Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year, Y'all
I had lunch today with my big brother who can be a lot of fun when he is not acting like an ideological neanderthal. We were talking about the torrent of weird and wacky events of 2008 and how it just won't quit. The governor of Illinois comes along just when you think it's safe to come out of your cave. And all these Bush people are now stepping forward to confirm what we've thought all along about our hapless President. Life in the USA is like that carnival game Whack-a-mole. And we're the moles.
Did you read about the flood in Tennessee when the retaining wall around a coal ash sludge pit collapsed? Almost as fascinating as the mud volcano in Indonesia. Gee, could we have just a tiny bit more regulation from the folks in charge of mining? Could we put some folks in charge of mining?
Happily, here comes 2009 and a chance for us to straighten up and fly right. We can do better than this. Yes we can. Let's git-r-dun, y'all.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Sinking in a Sea of Mud
Since the first eruption in 2006, there have been more than 90 others, with mud bursting from the ground at unexpected times and places, including inside of people's homes.
I know you are thinking, why is she writing about this? Well, I have always been fascinated by geologic events like sinkholes, and this is one giant sinkhole with the added thrill of forceful explosions of mud. Did I mention that the ground is sinking by as much as 40 feet per year? Is this a sci-fi movie writing itself or what??
Maybe it's just me, but I can see parallels with our current economic sinkhole. Every day brings new distress signals with what feels like no end in sight. Rich people, and greedy people who wanted to be rich, kept drilling into the money supply with no safeguards, while the people who were supposed to be regulating were planning the purchase of their second or third homes or luxury vacations. Now we have what feels like a mudflow threatening to overtake our factories, our offices, our big box (and little box) retail outlets, our malls (maybe not such a bad idea), and our way of life generally. I realize this sounds hysterical, but I think the imagery is appropriate.
I'd love to include the photo of the eruption site but can't figure out how to copy it, so just follow the link above to see the article and photo. I guarantee you'll be fascinated too.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
All Hail the First Born Son
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Roomba Driver
Hey everybody, the Crazy Cat Lady wants you to see this video becuz the cat looks just like one of her best cats, Rosebud (RIP). Notice the tail dragging ... I think this cat may be drugged. Enjoy!!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Saturday night blogging
Sunday, November 16, 2008
The torch has flickered out
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election Day USA
Monday, November 3, 2008
On November 3rd, 1989 ...
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Early Voting Bad for Rich Crabby White Men
people, don't clutter up the polls with your whiny early voting. Fred Barnes knows you don't have a valid reason to vote early, so stay the hell out of his way.
Our new yard sign
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Miscellaneous Thoughts
*If we give that pretty lady from Alaska all the clothes and accessories, and whatever's left of the makeup, will she please go home now?
*Why is it that (most) people who go to an Obama rally come away excited and optimistic, and (some) people come away from the McCain/Palin rallies looking for someone to beat up?
*Alan Greenspan didn't know that humans are greedy? Huh? Where's he been? I'm searching for an Ayn Rand photo to insert here.
*Will the next president do anything to stop mountaintop removal in WVa?
*What will happen to all those signing statements after Bush leaves office?
*Is it OK to be pleased with Colin Powell's moving endorsement of Obama and scathing indictment of the McCain campaign, and still be mad at him for what he did at the UN? How can I hold these 2 thoughts in my head at the same time?
*Is there a downside to early voting? I like it but worry that somehow all those early votes might get misplaced.
*Does having a camera and mic in front of you make you stupid and angry? Sure are a lot of folks saying stupid things these days. I wonder how I would behave if a roving reporter asked me what was on my mind right now.
*Will the Commonwealth of Virginia know that I've got an Obama button on under my jacket when I go to vote? Do you think they'll have metal detectors?
*Will it be possible to get the foxes out of the henhouse? I'm listening to Bill Moyers interview James K. Galbraith about the sad state of our "corporate republic".
*Will my big brother read this and get mad?
Good night all, xoxo
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Good Grief, I Forgot To Write About Pete
Princess Evie Comes To Town
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Dear Diary
I enjoy my new job and think it will be a good fit. I left behind some very fine people and that was much harder than I thought it would be. I thank them for their support and kind words during this time.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Enough with the Birthday Already
Briefly, since now your interest is no doubt piqued, I was shopping on Saturday (my president wants me to) and saw a nice chocolately brown fleece jacket, marked down, and thought "I'm going to buy this just to make Paul jealous. And it's kind of cute. And such a bargain."
My nutty, adorable husband loves fleeces and has a lot of them. Can't resist a bargain. Has more than needed in our temperate climate. And now he has me doing it.
I did buy it, and now I have the new chocolately brown one, plus my 2 reds, a lime green, and a dark green. Is that too many?
Just so you'll get your money's worth out of this posting, I'd like to share a writer I have discovered, Will Durst, whose work I found on a funny website called 23/6. Meet Will here.
Selfishly, I hope it gets cold soon so I can wear my new fleece.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Happy Days are Here Again!
So, what about that convention!! My heart is still racing. Woo wee. Where to begin??
Oh, WTF, this says it all.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Janet for VP!
I learned last week that I can be Vice-President of the United States.
How you say?
I was active in the Crestview Elementary School PTA for 15 years. I was president twice. I took just about any job that needed to be done, as we were a small but devoted group. I managed the Reading is Fundamental program for 15 years and did other PTA stuff simultaneously. Heck, I managed the school halloween carnival a couple of times, which must be equal to commanding a state national guard without the advantage of carrying a loaded weapon.
On the pro-life front, I declined to have amniocentesis as an elderly expectant mother. Thirty-five makes you elderly and at risk. Amniocentesis is scary business; they stick a big needle into your baby place at 20 weeks along. That is halfway to having a baby. The test itself has risks. I thought at 20 weeks, we are having this baby and we will deal with any complications as they are revealed. We were blessed with another healthy baby who just went off to college. So, come on, don't I get some family values credit for that decision?
So how about it: Janet for VP!
What's that? I have to be republican?
Never mind.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Dispatch from the Sofa #2
Well, it seems that I spent at least 20 hours watching the doggone thing. Now that my nest is empty, I have strong affinity for comatosity on the sofa. There's a big dent in it that mirrors my distinctive shape.
Here are my thoughts on this subject:
-Thank God for C-SPAN
-nutty husband and I agree that it would be fun to be delegates. Maybe in 2012 ...
-Uncle Teddy Kennedy paid a high price in physical discomfort to make the trip and walk up on that stage. That is one serious Democrat. I hope he is able to attend the inauguration with a big fat smile on his face.
-Caroline Kennedy makes me sad, although she is certainly accomplished and poised. How much tragedy should one person have to bear?
-Mark Warner was better than I thought he would be, as was Tim Kaine, although I missed most of his speech when I took a break to floss my teeth.
-Who said it: "that's not a maverick - that's a sidekick." "No way, no how, no McCain", "I want a president who cares more about Barney Smith than Smith Barney." "Before he debates Barack Obama, he should finish the debate with himself." "I thought I'd be standing here with Floyd Little"
-a mass of American flags waving in the evening breeze is quite lovely.
-it was the best lovefest since Woodstock: kissing, hugging, white people dancing crazy dances
-If I were to have a little girl, I'd name her Sasha
-I may have a crush on Michelle Obama. Photos here.
-I really do need to get a life now.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
School Supplies
The young lad going off to college finally acknowledged a few days before departure that perhaps there were a few things he could use. I grabbed my keys and debit card. "Is there a list?" I asked sarcastically, knowing that there's no list in college. Duh. Wait ... why yes, he had received a list from his major land grant Division 1 university. Yippee! Happy days are here again.
We went to Target because other things were needed, so Office Max alone wouldn't do. I was not impressed with their selection of school supplies, but you know, by this time in the college prep process, I have only a finite amount of energy left for shopping. Whatever we didn't get today can be gotten in Blacksburg.
We didn't find fans at Target (forgot to look actually, my bad), so we stopped at K-Mart near our house. I really really hate this particular K-mart, would rather have a colonoscopy than go there, but the boy needed a fan. We got 2 dinky ones and escaped quickly from this den of retail inequity.
We loaded the car:
Said goodbye the cats:
And took off for college.
All went well. We left him there on Thursday and went to Roanoke to spend the night. After dawdling all Friday morning and visiting my nutty husband's uncle, we called the college boy to set up a farewell visit. "You need anything?", I asked. "Yes, hangers." "They have those in the book store, I saw them yesterday". A long silence ensued. "Do you want me to bring you some hangers?". "Yes".
There are some things best left to mom. Thank God I am still good for something.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Why not cows?
Friday, August 15, 2008
Red State Update: McCain Can't Work Internet
Dunlap's got it goin' on. This is why I love the Internets.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Dispatch from the Sofa
The damn dog is here with us for a week while her parents (my son and his wife) take their 3 precious bundles to the beach. Jake called about 2 weeks ago to tell me they'd rented a beach house. I thought to myself, gosh, he's going to invite us to visit them! Wrong. Could we keep the dog?
My nutty husband loves the dog, and I don't really mind her, so I said yes. Well, the nutty husband is off doing his job which involves watching professional football players knock each other over for fun and profit, which leaves me to deal with the dog and her highly toxic gastrointestinal system. Man, this dog needs one of those nuclear radiation warning signs.
Since I'm not getting any work done, I thought I'd photograph the dog. She is impossible to photograph as she never stays still. Meet Buttercup, radioactive chesapeake bay retriever:
I had to hold her still with my feet.
I was on the sofa.
Hah! Now the crafty dog is on the sofa!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Dispatch from Boat 200
Today we learned some new strokes and just paddled around a bit. There were also seal team swimmers nearby, so we watched what they were doing. We had to get out of our boats and get back in, and go underneath our boats. I had to cheat a little bit. A lot actually. Don't report me.
We rowed over to a scruffy little island and got out of our boats. Actually we got out before reaching the island and pushed the boats to the shore. We left our boats clustered together but not secured. We swam away from them and learned to do the gator. The instructor yells gator and we all scramble to get out of the water as though being chased by a gator. There isn't a beach, mind you, just some shore line without trees. We did pretty well at this (even me, the senior member in the kayaking group); we saw a rope hanging nearby which was very tempting so we swung off of that rope to get back in the water. One at a time, of course. We aren't crazy you know.
hey, look over there ... those swimmers had stolen our little boats and were most of the way to the opposite bank. We swam towards them and guess what, it was gator time again. Back to the shore to scramble out. I was starting to feel my age by then so I was relieved that is was time to get back into the boats and row towards the boat landing. But first we had to learn to turn our boat in circles. I was quite good at that.
We paddled to shore and the sun was coming up over the downtown skyline, making a nice pink and yellow glow over everything. You don't get that at the gym.
Have a great day, no matter what you do.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
It's Official - The Dog Days are Here
Sunday, July 27, 2008
July 28 - Happy birthday honey
Friday, July 25, 2008
Does the baby have a daddy?
my son Jake holding his new daughter Evie, next to his older son Jackson
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
The new baby arrives safely
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
We're Going to College
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Kayak Update
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Willie Mays Blasting Caps Warning PSA
My old man and I were regaling the young lad at dinner with humorous accounts of our youthful television experiences. Naturally, Willie Mays and the blasting caps public service announcement came up. Here it is, from Youtube to the Empty Nest, because I want you to be extra careful when you are playing around construction sites.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Ups and Downs in the Garden
Tomorrow I will take some more pictures so you will know the status of the nasturtiums, lavendar, and whatever looks interesting out there.