Friday, October 24, 2008

Miscellaneous Thoughts

I should be doing other things but I've got some questions. Any answers out there?

*If we give that pretty lady from Alaska all the clothes and accessories, and whatever's left of the makeup, will she please go home now?

*Why is it that (most) people who go to an Obama rally come away excited and optimistic, and (some) people come away from the McCain/Palin rallies looking for someone to beat up?

*Alan Greenspan didn't know that humans are greedy? Huh? Where's he been? I'm searching for an Ayn Rand photo to insert here.

*Will the next president do anything to stop mountaintop removal in WVa?

*What will happen to all those signing statements after Bush leaves office?

*Is it OK to be pleased with Colin Powell's moving endorsement of Obama and scathing indictment of the McCain campaign, and still be mad at him for what he did at the UN? How can I hold these 2 thoughts in my head at the same time?

*Is there a downside to early voting? I like it but worry that somehow all those early votes might get misplaced.

*Does having a camera and mic in front of you make you stupid and angry? Sure are a lot of folks saying stupid things these days. I wonder how I would behave if a roving reporter asked me what was on my mind right now.

*Will the Commonwealth of Virginia know that I've got an Obama button on under my jacket when I go to vote? Do you think they'll have metal detectors?

*Will it be possible to get the foxes out of the henhouse? I'm listening to Bill Moyers interview James K. Galbraith about the sad state of our "corporate republic".

*Will my big brother read this and get mad?

Good night all, xoxo

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Thanks for your thoughts. I quoted one of them on *my* soon-to-be-defunct blog: