Friday, August 29, 2008

Dispatch from the Sofa #2

I did not plan to watch much of the Democratic National Convention. I thought I might check in once in a while to see who was speaking. After all, I am fine with all the candidates and surely I would have better things to do.

Well, it seems that I spent at least 20 hours watching the doggone thing. Now that my nest is empty, I have strong affinity for comatosity on the sofa. There's a big dent in it that mirrors my distinctive shape.

Here are my thoughts on this subject:

-Thank God for C-SPAN

-nutty husband and I agree that it would be fun to be delegates. Maybe in 2012 ...

-Uncle Teddy Kennedy paid a high price in physical discomfort to make the trip and walk up on that stage. That is one serious Democrat. I hope he is able to attend the inauguration with a big fat smile on his face.

-Caroline Kennedy makes me sad, although she is certainly accomplished and poised. How much tragedy should one person have to bear?

-Mark Warner was better than I thought he would be, as was Tim Kaine, although I missed most of his speech when I took a break to floss my teeth.

-Who said it: "that's not a maverick - that's a sidekick." "No way, no how, no McCain", "I want a president who cares more about Barney Smith than Smith Barney." "Before he debates Barack Obama, he should finish the debate with himself." "I thought I'd be standing here with Floyd Little"

-a mass of American flags waving in the evening breeze is quite lovely.

-it was the best lovefest since Woodstock: kissing, hugging, white people dancing crazy dances

-If I were to have a little girl, I'd name her Sasha

-I may have a crush on Michelle Obama. Photos here.

-I really do need to get a life now.

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