It has been very hot and dry here and many of my plants have suffered. However, the last few days have been rainy, so perhaps there is hope for them after all.
I was thrilled to find 3 pumpkins growing on my pumpkin vines. The rain has caused them to grow right before my eyes. The two vines are growing toward each other, so maybe they will meet at some point.

I was crushed to discover this evening that all of the nectarines are gone. Without a trace. As though they never existed. Whoever got them was very neat. What do you think: squirrels or birds? I am new to the nectarine business so I just don't know what to make of this.
no more nectarines!

Tomorrow I will take some more pictures so you will know the status of the nasturtiums, lavendar, and whatever looks interesting out there.
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