Sunday, October 25, 2009

Kitchen Rehab II

hello, the kitchen is nearly done. I've made a slideshow since it takes so darned long to upload photos here.

Take a a look; I hope you like it. We like it a lot.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Kitchen Rehab

The kitchen rehab is proceeding nicely. Today the refrigerator moved into the den. I can see some advantages to this arrangement: retrieve snacks without missing any TV. Hmmm, maybe there's room for the microwave in here too.

Take a look. But don't ask me where the trash can is. I'm afraid it's lost.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Moses' $800 Hat

There is a children's book we like a lot called Go Dog Go, by P.D. Eastman. One of the recurring threads is the male dog asking the female dog, as they ride around in his jaunty roadster, "Do you like my hat?" She always says no until the end, when she says "Yes, I do, I do like your hat!"

I don't think any girl dogs will like Moses' hat.
You're probably wondering why he is wearing this hat. On Tuesday Paul took him to the vet because we felt a lump on his shoulder about the size of a ping pong ball, but soft. The vet called later in the day to say he wasn't worried about the lump, it was just fat (I find that hard to believe) and he wanted to know if we'd noticed the hematoma on his ear flap. Ummm, gee, no, we hadn't. Was that a bad thing? Dr. Rose went on to expain that when dogs shake their heads vigorously, they can get blood-filled bruises on their ear flaps. I've been around the pet care world long enough to know that no good would come from this blood-filled bruise. Moses is happy to be home now, with his rawhide and his kitties and his big front yard to do his doggie business in. And that $800? Heck, we would have just wasted on something frivolous.

Welcome home Moses.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

What is this Plant?*

*It's called amaranthus - also pigweed, love-lies-bleeding, summer pointsettia

My friend Barbara A. ga
ve me some wildflower seeds as a gift; the plant shown here is the most fascinating of the whole group, which did amazingly well considering the lack of attention they received from the gardener. They're wildflowers and my belief is that they don't need human intervention. Does anyone know what this flower is? I've included a close-up of the "petals".

thanks Barbara

Saturday, October 3, 2009

All Pets -- No Politics

Today was Tux's first day outside since moving in with us on April 3. I wanted to display the photos in order, as he stepped out the door hesitantly, but the blogger machine had other ideas. Pepper still hates all the other animals. Moses has lost weight, don't you think? He cleaned up all the bread I threw out for the birds a few days ago. Good boy. Tux enjoyed the outdoors and I told him, since he did not run away like his sister, that he could go out again tomorrow. I hope you will enjoy these out-of-order photos.