Sunday, December 19, 2010
It's Christmas #2
Friday, December 17, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Dog Bloggin'
What up y'all?
Tippy, stop it. Be serious. Tippy's typing since dogs can't type. But you knew that.
I thought perhaps my fans would like to know how I'm doing. I know I have lots of fans out there, because who wouldn't love a big happy brown dog who waggles all over when he sees humans. Not so much with the humans I live with though. Oh, I love them. A lot. But they can be kind of cranky sometimes. I've heard that lady muttering when she has to clean up my solid waste products before she can work in the backyard. And that man ... sometimes he gets so impatient with me cause I need to smell everything when we take a walk. I mean everything. I'm very thorough. My breed is known for that.
So what I'd like for Christmas, or Festivus, or whatever gift-giving holiday you celebrate, is some snacks. Big bags of snacks. Jerky snacks are nice. Biscuits are nice. Hey, I wonder if anyone makes poop snacks? You know, dried poop, maybe in clever shapes like kittens or squirrels or bunnies. Foxes, possums.
xxskl zak zak ,,u;;;;;pppp
Tippy, stop it. What? Speak up. Oh, really?
Tippy says humans don't like to think about what dogs eat. Sorry. I lost my head.
I guess the jerky snacks will be fine.
love, and happy holidays,
Friday, November 12, 2010
The Way I See It
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Shocking Developments
hello all, a few days ago our baby turned 21. How can this be? He just started sleeping through the night. He just learned to ride a bike. He just learned to make his own lunch. Now he's off at college learning all kinds of crazy stuff. Where in the world did 21 years go? I made a slide show for him celebrating his babyhood. And a fine baby he was. And is.
And another shocking development: who are these 2 old white-haired geezers posing with our son? He acts like he knows them. He's off there at college mingling with strangers.
Oh wait. That's me and my nutty husband. Never mind.
Click on the slideshow to enlarge the photos
Sunday, October 31, 2010
We came, we saw, we concurred
Jackson is a shrub and Jake is threatening to prune him
Georgia is the old family standby pumpkin
Evie is a princess wearing the dress grandma gave her for her birthday
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Happy birthday Pete
Click on a photo to switch to the larger slideshow view.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Poor little Tippy
Friday, September 24, 2010
Republicans bring the lumber
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
20 year olds dying for us
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Some Changes
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Peace and Quiet
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Alert: Family Boycott Update
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Wha ... Blog? What Blog?
Saturday, July 17, 2010
More of My Handiwork
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Georgia Grace is Here
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Happy 4th of July
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Vegetables: Breaking News
Thursday, June 24, 2010
A Sickening Feeling part 3
From the Guardian UK - a beach in Alabama
found on one of my favorite blogs:
Friday, June 18, 2010
Thank You Joe Biden
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Dog Eats Cabbage
The cat abstained. Not really a vegan. Apparently the dog is.
Thanks to Bev and Don for the cabbage plants.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Oops, a special day goes unnoticed
Sunday, May 30, 2010
A Sickening Feeling part 2
Friday, May 28, 2010
And here is a weird new plant this year: Eryngium or sea holly:
Thursday, May 27, 2010
What's Wrong with Amos?
I don't know what is wrong with Amos, as one reader has asked, but I do know what is wrong with Moses, pictured above in a photo taken today, after some of his hair has grown back. He had surgery several weeks ago to remove a big fat blob of what turned out to be fat only, and not some horrible cancerous growth as we feared. Moses is running up quite a tab, what with his ear surgery last year and now this. He seems to be a high maintenance dog. A big ticket dog, I guess. But very sweet and loving. We should sell that space on his side for advertising, like a billboard. Would that be wrong?
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Happy Anniversary
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Ain't Capitalism Great?
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Vegetable Blogging
Saturday, May 1, 2010
A Sickening Feeling
Gulf oil spill at Deepwater Horizon threatens $8bn clean-up and an ecological oil slick disaster for the US
- Robin McKie
- The Observer, Sunday 2 May 2010
The prospect of oil pouring into the gulf for such a period could have horrifying effects on wildlife, added Frid. "That part of the gulf's coastline consists of a sedimentary shore with lots of muddy inlets. The oil will penetrate into the mud, and because it contains no oxygen the oil will not biodegrade. For generations, any disturbance of the sediment will bring oil back to the surface and that will happen over a very large area."
Similar fears were also stressed by Jane Lubchenco, head of the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, after she took part in a conference call with the governors of the gulf states on Friday. "There is very deep concern about what is happening," she added.
To date, most efforts to deal with the growing slick have failed. Rough seas and strong winds have blocked efforts to burn off the oil or hold it in check with inflatable booms strung along the coast. Louisiana officials have opened gates in the Mississippi river in the hope that a flood of fresh water would drive oil away from the coast, but the high winds also thwarted that plan.
Meanwhile the Pentagon has deployed two C-130 cargo planes to spray chemicals on the oil, while the Louisiana National Guard has been deployed to help local communities.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
On The Rocks - Bad Romance
But I do like seeing college kids using their god given talents instead of getting drunk and throwing up all over each other.
Go Ducks.
Farm Report

Monday, April 19, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Look Away, Look Away, Look Away Down South in Dixie
I could not believe it when I read Gov. McDonnell's first Confederate History Month proclamation, before he was forced to acknowledge that slavery was a factor. Duh, guv, like maybe THE factor. I read his original proclamation and got a sick feeling in my stomach that I get when a history whitewash is taking place, and knowing that in our low-information culture, it isn't that hard to convince people that event A was actually event Z. Throw in a few socialisms, and gun rights, and the constitution, and the haters are putty in your hands, ready to buy whatever steaming load of crap you're selling.
So let me see if I have this right: the sore losers whine about getting back to our constitution. A subset of the sore losers are neo-confederates. So in 1861, it was OK to rip apart our country, constitution be damned, but now they are mad as hell that a black man is allowed to live in the White House and be commander-in-chief. No wonder their poor feeble heads are exploding.
Recent polling of the tea partiers reveals something shocking: they are white, well-off, older men, by and large. Every time our country makes significant strides forward in civil and human rights, these creeps come out of the woodwork and start yelling about their taxes, their constitution, and their values. And waving their moth-eaten stars and bars. And because the media loves a catfight, the cameras run the whole time, with constant replays and rehashes of every stupid thing these neanderthals say. And then we have to hear from John MCain, who is no longer a maverick, so has more time to go on all the talk shows and expound on how much better off we'd be if he and that con artist P.T. Palin had won the election. And also, by the way, can we please hurry up and bomb Iran?
Speaking of the con artist, would anyone pay a bit of attention to her and Michelle Bachmann if they weren't so dog-gone pretty? Such pretty girls saying such stupid stuff. Please, can we watch again?? Aren't they pretty! What are they wearing today? Oooh, listen, one of them just smacked down the President! Wow, they are awesome! Maybe they'll turn on each other and start some hair-pulling and biting and call each other bitch. Better keep the cameras rolling.
What has set me off on this tangent is seeing this in my morning newspaper. I wish I could include the photo too. Do you think they invited any slave re-enactors? Nah, probably not.
What’s Happening: Old Virginia Soiree is held at Woman’s Club
Published: April 18, 2010
Following a grand tradition, the Celebrate South Committee of the J.E.B Stuart Memorial Foundation hosted its 13th annual ball -- the Old Virginia Soiree -- April 10 at the Woman's Club of Richmond on East Franklin Street.
A volunteer committee headed by James H. Cochrane Jr., and spearheaded by Marc Ramsey, put together an evening of Civil War-era festivity, frivolity and fancy footwork to benefit the Museum of the Confederacy and the Richmond Battlefields Association.
Formally opening the program was a presentation of the Color Guard of Virginia comprised of 15th and 21st Infantry re-enactors and led by Ramsey, of the Fighting First Regiment.
The Hardtack & Sowbelly String Band supplied toe-tapping Civil War-era music as dance master and mistress Drs. Briant and Karin Bohleke led guests through reels, waltzes and polkas.
Eighty of the 120 guests were attired in reproduction uniforms and shimmering ball gowns of the era -- many handmade by the wearers.
Among the re-enactors were members of Lee's Lieutenants, some of whom traveled from as far as Colorado and West Virginia to participate. Most were in full character as historical figures such as J.E.B. Stuart and spy Belle Boyd.
A singalong of favorite Southern tunes and prayers for soldiers currently serving in the military brought the evening to a close.
"It is a rare occasion that so many good folks can come together to have some great fun in a unique historical setting while supporting two very worthwhile causes," Ramsey said. "This benefit was a definite success!"
Christopher J. Evans is board chairman of the J.E.B Stuart Memorial Foundation.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Woe is Me part II
On Sunday night there was a cat fight in our driveway. We heard the screeching and Moses and I raced out to see what was happening. I saw a neighborhood bully cat scurry away into the bamboo forest across the street. Tippy and Tux were under the car.
Moses and I returned to the den. Several minutes later, the feral cats raced through the open deck door and went upstairs. When I went to bed, Tippy seemed OK but was grooming her back leg in a way that made me think something was hurting. I knew for sure something was wrong when she did not come downstairs for breakfast the next morning. Tippy has never missed a meal. I found her upstairs sleeping on a pile of blankets in the bottom of a closet. She was hot to the touch and did not want to be picked up and fussed over.
I took her to the vet as soon as possible and learned she had a 105 temperature. Normal for a cat is 100-102. The vet began treatment for a bacterial infection and hooked her to an IV.
Pepper also needed to go to the vet but I couldn't handle both in one trip, so I made a second trip back to the vet late in the day, for Pepper's medication check, and to see if Tippy could come home. I had no cat carrier for Pepper since I'd left it at the vet.
By the end of the day, when it was time to take Pepper, I was tired of driving this retarded vehicle. Pepper roamed all over the car, making her most horrible meow, which sounds like reeeeoooowww. Over and over again. Walking across my arms to look out my window, then back to the other side. Reeeeooowww. From the back seat .....reeeooowww.
I was really doing some cussing by this time.
Pepper's hyperthyroidism was found to be responding well to the pink pills we have to administer twice a day. We are happy about that since she looked mangy and bug-eyed prior to starting the pills. Tippy's fever was only down to 103, so she spent the night at the vet.
The ride home was peaceful with Pepper in the carrier.
The next day I drove to Charlottesville to have lunch with grandson Jackson for his birthday. I had made an appointment for Tux to get his rabies shot at 4 pm, and to bring Tippy home at that time.
Tux offered very little resistance to being shoved into the carrier and going for a car ride. His meows are rather delicate for such a large cat. While there I learned that Tux weighs 13.6 pounds. Tippy is 10.3. Pepper gained a half a pound since taking her pink pills, so she is about 6 lbs now. She was wasting away in addition to her other symptons.
Tux got his shot and Tippy was released. I asked if someone could carry the two of them in the carrier out to my car. I can barely lift my right arm from all the damned gear-shifting and they weigh almost 24 pounds together.
Somehow I managed to get them into the house where they were greeted warmly by Moses, who sniffed Tippy all over to make sure she was OK. She has a bare spot on her back leg where she was bitten, and her front right leg was shaved for the IV so she looks like a goth biker kitty.
Naturally I had to take a short nap after all of this.
Back to the car trauma. My car has been sitting over at the repair place all this time while they searched the entire country for a new transmission. The car is driveable with its current transmission as I think the case is cracked but it still shifts the gears AUTOMATICALLY, as modern transmissions are supposed to do.
Paul asked me if I wanted to keep waiting and leave the car there, or have them fix the tailpipe and drive it as is until the transmission comes in.
My response was: "grrrrrrrr aaaargh what do you think????? reeeeoooowww son of a bitch" .... and other words like that.
Moses also needs to go the vet to find out what the big lump on his side is all about. I told Paul he'd have to take him as I have had enough of the vet this week.
Happy driving everyone!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Woe is Me
-On Sunday I ran over a big piece of metal and messed up my car, which I love nearly as much as I love the humans and pets in my life. The big piece of metal ripped off the exhaust system (it was still slightly attached to the car) and cracked the transmission. I have to drive my husband's dopey car (and shift gears, dammit) till it gets fixed.
-On Monday my fairly new MacBook Pro lost its hard drive and all of its contents, including all of my professional quality photos and various documents of great importance.
Yesterday I was grumpy about these things and then today I see that our governor has declared this to be Confederate History Month and now I am excited about going to re-enactments and celebrating the anniversary of secession from the Union. I'll be wearing my itchy gray wool moth-eaten dress and pretending to be a nurse up at Chimbarazo while the surgeon re-enactors pretend to amputate shattered and gangrenous arms and legs. And, new this year, there will be a special area for those pretending to die from dysentery.
Come on and join us as we celebrate state's rights. There'll be corn pone and brandy for everyone!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Surprise Yard Sale
Monday, March 29, 2010

I think of that whenever I make a trifle.
The beautiful (and tasty) trifle shown here is meatless. And I didn't need no stinking recipe!
Bon appetit!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Are we France yet?
I am glad that some small progress has been made towards having the USA join the rest of the industrialized world in the provision of health care. I am ever hopeful that our infant mortality rate will slowly creep downward. Right now we rank between Faroe Islands and Guam, at 6.26 deaths per live births. Perhaps in a few years we'll be closer to France, at 3.33. I guess it's too much to hope that we can match or exceed Singapore at 2.31.
Truly it's a great day and yet we must keep on hammering away at the odd notion of health care as a profit center before we get to health care as a basic right. Hang on, we'll get there eventually.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Health Care Comments
That's all I've got on this subject.
Go back to your regularly scheduled activities.