Monday, September 6, 2010

20 year olds dying for us

I've been troubled for the last seven years about our national propensity for war-making.  I believe that the Afghanistan and Iraq wars were part of the Bush team's campaign strategy.  I never saw any reason for the US to attack Iraq or Afghanistan, and remember cringing every time someone said, during the 2004 presidential campaign, that "you don't change commander-in-chief during wartime."  I can't think of a better reason to change commander-in-chief than getting us into illegal and immoral wars.

What does it say about our national character that these wars go on and on and we hardly pay attention to them any more?  What does it say about us that so many Americans profess fear and loathing of muslims; that a church in Florida is going to burn Korans on Sept. 11?  What kind of people pay more attention to Palin word-salad tweets and McCain senile blatherings, and for god's sake, Gingrich gasbaggery, than they do to Americans dying and making war on civilians on a daily basis? Why does the media think we want to hear about the former and don't care about the latter?  Sadly, the media may be right this time. Why don't we care?

I feel helpless about this.  I've called the offices of my elected representatives, and sent e-mails asking them to vote against war.  I've written letters.  I've thought about standing on a busy street corner with anti-war signs, but I'm too shy.  I admire war protestors.  Are there any left?

Some time ago I decided I'd read the In Memoriam lists posted on the blog Crooks and Liars, taken from the Sunday news show This Week.  I slowly read each name, age, hometown.  I think about the person's parents, kids, husband, siblings.  What must they be feeling?  Is it any comfort that their loved one died in service to our country?  I hope it is or how else can they eventually get on with their lives.

This past week, In Memoriam listed 26 names.  There are six 20-year-olds listed.  Twenty-year olds who will never have children (most likely, but I know they may have them already), will never see their brothers and sisters get married and have kids.  Will never buy a house, or a new car, or graduate from college.  Enjoy their grandkids, have a cold beer.  You get the idea.

Twenty year olds dying cause we're scared of muslims.  

What's wrong with us? 

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