Friday, June 25, 2010

Vegetables: Breaking News

I can't do a thing about oil in the gulf and idiots in the congress, but I can grow vegetables and take photos and make you look at them.  So there.

We had brussel sprouts last night.  I am sure I waited much too long to harvest them but I wanted them to get a little bigger.  There were tasty but then most things taste good with salt, pepper, butter, and parmesan cheese.  

Moses enjoyed them raw and cooked.  And he highly recommends the foliage.

And now we turn to zucchini.  A few days ago I was weeding and decided not to do a garden next year then I saw the first zucchini and thought maybe I would do a garden again next year.  We'll see.

I have had a few cherry tomatoes right off the vine during the weeding, but I haven't made a harvest yet.  The roma tomatoes should be ripe in a few days.  And I can see beets poking up a little bit.  A potato in the compost pile has sprouted.  The nectarines look kind of sad so I don't know what to expect there.

A neighbor left a box of plums on the porch.  I haven't had one yet (they are just ripening) but Moses sampled a couple and gives them a big thumbs up.  Or the dog equivalent of thumbs up.

Happy eating!

Thanks to farmer Bev and farmer Don for contributing the brussel sprouts.

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