Saturday, June 6, 2009

My Day

Did you know that Eleanor Roosevelt wrote a newspaper column called My Day? This posting will not be as good as anything she wrote.

I slept in a little bit. When I got up I slopped the hogs, milked the cows, and filled all the hay bins in the barn. Well, not exactly, but taking care of all these animals feels like I'm living on a farm. Poor me.

I watched the D-Day commemoration broadcast from Normandy on C-Span. It was very moving. All the presidents spoke (UK, Canada, France, USA) Ours talked the longest. He was good, as usual, but went on a bit too long. I wonder if Michelle pointed this out to him.

He told us about one of the D-Day veterans who was in very poor health but made the trip anyway. Last night this veteran visited the cemetery to pay his respects to his fallen comrades. Then he died later in the night. I hope that he went peacefully.

Of course when I think about D-day, I think about my dad who was D+1; he landed the next day. I wonder what he found on the beach. He didn't talk about his experience, as most veterans don't. I bet he saw some horrible things during his tour of Europe. I still have the little wooden clogs he brought home from Holland.

After that we took our big old fat dog for a walk. He seems to be moving better and may have lost a pound or two.

After that I went to the library. The one I used to work in. I miss it quite a bit. It was crowded and noisy and one of the patrons had pretty bad BO, so that helps me remember that I don't miss everything; just a few things.

Then we went to Costco to look at patio furniture. We spent $157 but got no patio furniture. Once you start putting things in your cart at Costco, all is lost. Don't fight it. Sure, why not get a $10 jar of cashews. This is America, live large.

Then I went to the grocery store while my nutty husband went for a run. I'd tell you how much I spent there but I didn't even notice. My purchase did not include patio furniture.

For dinner we ate a pizza we purchased at Costco. It has mozzarella cheese, basil, and tomato. It was tasty but the crust was too thick. It is also the size of a man-hole cover. Come on over, there's plenty left. Maybe Pete will come by and help us finish it.

We took the fat dog for a walk again.

Now we are waiting for the kittens to amuse us with their playful hijinks while we watch a Paul Simon special on PBS, which would be very enjoyable if these pesty people would quite asking us for money.

I have to go now and wake these boring kittens up. I need some action.

Let me know if you know a good place to buy patio furniture.

Good night.

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