The young lad going off to college finally acknowledged a few days before departure that perhaps there were a few things he could use. I grabbed my keys and debit card. "Is there a list?" I asked sarcastically, knowing that there's no list in college. Duh. Wait ... why yes, he had received a list from his major land grant Division 1 university. Yippee! Happy days are here again.
We went to Target because other things were needed, so Office Max alone wouldn't do. I was not impressed with their selection of school supplies, but you know, by this time in the college prep process, I have only a finite amount of energy left for shopping. Whatever we didn't get today can be gotten in Blacksburg.
We didn't find fans at Target (forgot to look actually, my bad), so we stopped at K-Mart near our house. I really really hate this particular K-mart, would rather have a colonoscopy than go there, but the boy needed a fan. We got 2 dinky ones and escaped quickly from this den of retail inequity.
We loaded the car:
Said goodbye the cats:

And took off for college.
All went well. We left him there on Thursday and went to Roanoke to spend the night. After dawdling all Friday morning and visiting my nutty husband's uncle, we called the college boy to set up a farewell visit. "You need anything?", I asked. "Yes, hangers." "They have those in the book store, I saw them yesterday". A long silence ensued. "Do you want me to bring you some hangers?". "Yes".
There are some things best left to mom. Thank God I am still good for something.
I could use some school supplies if you're going through some withdrawal. i really only need a notebook to keep track of my homework assignments. you know where to find me.
Crimeboss should write a book just so he can put that picture of him what that black cat on the back.
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