Sunday, February 19, 2012

Snow Day

It's snowing. I'd take a photo and post it but that would require me to unseat myself from the sofa. I can't do that right now because Downton Abbey is due to start in about 4 minutes. You already know what snow looks like so you don't actually need me to post a photo. Maybe tomorrow I'll post a photo of the cats when they step out the door. They don't like wet feet so their reaction may be amusing. Stay tuned!! I feel badly about not posting for months now, since Herman Cain was still in the running for President of the United States, or Grand Poobah of the Springfield Moose Lodge. Springfield where the Simpson's live. Aww, shucky ducky that's a good idea. I reckon I could write about the 2 front runners, Mitt and Rick. But hasn't enough been said about these 2 weirdos? And what's happened to Newt? Did he go on another cruise with Callista? I kind of miss the other Rick and Michele. That woman had passion. Have to wrap this up, here comes the Abbey! xoxo, Janet

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