I'm sad to hear that "Top Kill" didn't do the job of stopping the oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico. Not too surprised however.
Someday a child somewhere will say to his parent "Dad, why did they kill the Gulf of Mexico?" Maybe he will have read about it in a book about man-made disasters such as Chernobyl and Bhopal.
Dad will try to explain it, and maybe also mention why the state of West Virginia no longer has any mountains and streams.
"You see son, companies have to make money to keep the shareholders happy and so they can give it to politicians who will then create laws that help them make more money, some of which they will give to politicians again. It's kind of like the photosysnthesis cycle, but without anything good coming from it."
Dad and son will have plenty of time to talk over these matters, as dad will not have a job and the son will be on a school furlough, caused by continued funding cuts to public education.
But this is OK, because politicians will keep collecting campaign contributions and getting re-elected, so everything's cool, y'all.
Oh, and remember that unions are bad. And gays will ruin the military.
I can't help feeling lately that we're doomed. Hope I'm wrong.