Saturday, November 7, 2009

Guns Galore

Right now I am listening to the proceedings of the House of Representatives as they debate health care. Did you know that health care is a problem? I wasn't aware until I was flipping through the channels and found this thing called C-SPAN. So far there haven't been any commercials. Everyone calls each other gentleman and gentlelady. Maybe it's some sort of Renaissance faire.

Anyway, it's been a rough week for a sensitive person like me. I had fun being an election official on Tuesday (almost as good as being called gentlelady). My candidates all got shellacked. I am sure things in our Commonwealth will be fine though, as God probably is happy with the outcome. Maybe God will send us some jobs and highways. And affordable college. A clean bay. Low, low taxes. Don't laugh, it could happen.

I was horrified at the signs at the latest Obama-haters rally in DC on Thursday. A great big poster of dead bodies at a WWII concentration camp. Something about health care written on it. WTF? Don't these people have any decency? I was so upset that I fired off another one of my irate e-mails to my representative Eric Cantor. I didn't call him any names or mention that he is Jewish, since he likely knows that. I implored him to speak out against the use of Holocaust imagery, and the constant invocation of Hitlerisms. I take no credit, but I did read today that Mr. Cantor did speak out against this disrespectful behavior. Good for him. I hope it sounded genuine.

This was the same day that the army psychiatrist killed a bunch of people at Ft. Hood. I don't handle this sort of thing well. I suppose no one does. Is it my imagination or is this country growing more violent? Got a problem, get a gun. We do a horrible job on mental illness in this country. We look away and say it's none of our business, or everyone has a right to privacy. True. So is there nothing to be done? Gun supporters say that there needs to be more guns, so the Virginia Tech shooter would have been taken out as soon as he started shooting. Gee whiz, wouldn't you think there were lots of guns around on a military base? I suppose the solution is for all of us to have guns, and that we keep them drawn all the time. Yeah, that sounds about right. We can all put the blue tooth phone things in our ears to keep our hands free. Get those hats with drinks in them and tube going to your mouth. Gotta have coffee. Gotta be prepared.

I heard that the Ft. Hood shooter bought his automatic weapons at Guns Galore. All legal. When you are going to kill a lot of people quickly, automatic is the way to go.

Guns Galore. You gotta love that.

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