Monday, September 21, 2009

What Do ACORN and the Postal Service Have in Common?

I was going to write a pet update but once again current events have distracted me from a more pleasant task. The pets are all fine, by the way.

I have been wondering for some time what people mean when they use the post office as an example of how government can't do anything right. This belief has been voiced frequently during the health care free-for-all, where everyone gets to shout about what they want, unless you're in favor of medicare for all, like me, then you have to shut the hell up.

Back to the post office. I listen to C-SPAN's Washington Journal in the morning. This is the show where callers get to comment on current Washington hi-jinks. One day a retired guy called in from Hilton Head. Right away you know this is a wealthy white republican. No one else can afford to live in Hilton Head. He whined about socialism and government ineptitude, using the post office as his example. His example of the sorry state of our national mail system is that he remembers when the mail was delivered at 8:30 and now it is delivered at 10:30! Aha!! Oh snap. You are so busted, mailman. What better example of incompetence is needed to make the case against USPS. Only a retired person with time on his hands would even know when his mail gets delivered. And, what difference does it make? Can someone tell me please?

It dawned on me a few days ago what the beef is with the post office. When affirmative action was implemented, the workforce at the post office became integrated. What do whiney republicans hate more than the post office? Affirmative action. White guys hate it when black guys get to ride on their gravy train.

Now, about ACORN. Who works at ACORN? A lot of low wage black people. Who does ACORN serve? Poor people, a lot of whom are black. How much government money does ACORN get? Very little.

ACORN's detractors claim to be outraged by corruption and government waste. I ask you, are they also protesting Halliburton and Blackwater? How about Bank of America, Citi, Wells Fargo, and any other financial service entity currently feeding at the government trough? How about Enron and Tyco and all those big companies that squandered and cheated their way through billions of dollars and hurt millions of people? I don't remember those protests, do you?

Oh wait, all of those are run by white guys, and made tons of money for white guys.

Sometimes I forget the rules. Never mind.

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