Friday, August 28, 2009

What Would Jesus Do?

I don't know much about the Bible, but I am pretty sure he'd be against government run health care. It must be so because that is what I hear on my TV all day and all night. And in my newspapers, my favorite talk radios shows, my next door neighbor, my hairdresser, my office mates, my dog. Government run health is of the devil.

Most of that paragraph is not true. And I most certainly don't listen to talk radio.

Seriously, wouldn't Jesus encourage us to comfort the sick and treat their afflictions? What is so damned hard about that notion?

Here's the plan:

-Phase in Medicare for all over the next 3 years.
-Tell the insurance companies that from today on, they cannot refuse coverage for a pre-existing condition and they cannot raise rates. And they cannot cancel any existing policies until everyone is on Medicare.
-Pay for item 1 by ending the war on: Iraq, Afghanistan, and drugs. And, when Congress has a minute or two, roll back the Bush tax cuts and raise the cap on payroll deductions for social security.

There, that's done, now y'all have a nice weekend.

You know what sticks in my craw? Two things:

Remember when the folks in charge for 8 horrible, horrible years sold the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy with the promise that it would lead to job creation? Tell me, how did that work out?

And, why oh why is John McCain on my TV night and day? He lost! He's a loser! Who cares what he thinks. Move on, dammit.

I am going to go play with kittens now, dammit.

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