Tippy approached me about getting into the blog scene. "How do I get started?", she said.
Here are two tips. Don't sit on the computer. Get some thumbs so you can type.

"I hope to see you soon.
"Please let me know how much it will cosm548233 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx kkky34567"
Tippy likes to pick a letter or number and really let it have a star turn. Kind of like Sesame Street.
Right now I am watching Washington Journal on C-Span. This is the show where a question is given for callers to comment on. Questions such as should Guantanamo be closed, should GM be bailed out, should there be an investigation of torture, what kind of dog should the Obamas get? Some of the callers are so stupid that you have to wonder how they dialed the phone. Today's topic is the White House Correspondent's dinner last night. It's hard to take seriously any caller who contends that our president has no sense of humor. Dang, that's why I voted for him. Anybody who can say "wassup homey" and look and sound so good saying it is OK by me.
hold on, Tippy wants to say something:
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