hello, I am the self-appointed representative of the thousands of women never propositioned by Herman Cain.
Herman Cain has never looked at me (or thousands of other women) and thought:
--"Man, I'd like to hit on that."
--"Umm ummm, I'd like some of that hot granny action."
--"hoo boy, she's out of my league."
--"Too bad Herman Cain is with his wife. He'd like to get to know that honey a little better."
--"I wonder if she'd like to work under me at the NRA. Wink wink nudge nudge."
--"hey sugar, Herman Cain's got a stimulus package for you."
--"Baby, I'd like to look under the hood of your democrat machine sometime. Call me."
And that, ladies and gentlemen, should be the end of this sordid affair. Leave Herman Cain alooooooone.