Things are going pretty well here at the Cattery. We had some rough spots during the week but all is calm right now.
Tippy adds to her play skills daily. She loves yarn and her peacock feather and socks. Which is good because Pepper likes to drag socks around the house, so they should be able to find common ground on this issue.
The boy cat, tentatively known as Tux, continues to resist our efforts to convince him that life among humans has benefits. He has drawn blood from both of us now so we are reluctant to try to hold him, which makes us sad. He didn't eat for a few days but he is now. He stays under the sofa most of the time. He did spend some time upstairs, including an unknown period of time stuck between the glass and the screen of a window. We aren't sure when he went upstairs, but he did eat some tuna while he was up there, so we saw that as progress. He's back downstairs now.
We read up on handling feral cats and one of the tips was to not make eye-contact with the feral cat. Perhaps that is what upsets Tux so much. I suppose he doesn't like it either when we holler "he's out from the sofa, come and look." Or how about a hoarse whisper, "He's got white feet!" I guess it's that rude behavior that sends him back under the sofa. No eye-contact my foot. How can we see what he looks like??
Needless to say, I have no photos yet. I suppose I could stick a camera under the sofa and use the flash, but that would traumatize him further.
Please enjoy photos of Tippy and Pepper. Tux isn't ready for the blog scene yet.

Tippy changes the channel
Tippy under the blanket