Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Eat a Pancake

hello, I'd like to wish all of you happy national pancake day. If you are out driving around today and feel a little peckish, why not stop in at the IHOP and have some pancakes. I hear they've declared it to be national pancake day. A pretty savvy move I'd say, since one of their major products is pancakes. I was doing some research on this, to see if there really is a nat'l pancake day, or did the clever marketing folks at IHOP just make this up. I learned that this is shrove tuesday, the day before Lent, and celebrating that (not Lent, the shrove thing) also involves pancakes, so now I just don't know what to think. Maybe IHOP is part of the Catholic church? I guess it could happen.

Here at the Nest we know next to nothing (or nest to nothing, get it?) about religion, but we do know about pancakes. So if you've got some time, and are not already a fatso, have some pancakes at IHOP and help a few of those people keep their jobs a few days longer. Pancakes are comfort food, so if you are stressing about the economy or your job, maybe you'll enjoy a few minutes of solace over your buttery fake maple flavored carb overload.

Then on Wednesday we can all celebrate National Take a Nap day.


Saturday, February 14, 2009

It's Going Viral

My nutty husband continues to amaze and astound with his mad video skills. Oh, he can't actually make a video, but he sure can bring the heat on the right side of the camera.

See it here, and remember, you saw it at the Nest first.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

"My Side Won"

I have been agitated over all of the snits and tantrums of the opposition party and cable gasbags. They are being so mean to our new president. Calling him names and saying, for the umpteenth time, "well, this is it, the Obama administration is done for." Surely they must be joking. It's a joke, right?

One night at dinner I asked my husband (Mr. Nutty) had he heard the latest news about .... oh, pick one: Daschle, Limbaugh, Pelosi, Cantor, lay offs, stimulus shakedown, bailout blow-up, TARP, fascism, socialism, blah, blah, blah.

He continued chewing while he thought about this.

"My side won."


"I don't need to listen to any of that. My side won."

Ah, serenity now. My side won.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Pixie - 1989-2009

Pixie was a good old cat. Very sturdy and fiesty. She bit Paul last night but only because she thought his finger was turkey. It's a miracle she lasted 20 years as we live in a bad neighborhood for cats - too much traffic on very busy roads. Her brother Chip only lasted 2 years. She outlived a number of younger cats.

Today we took her to the vet for the last time.

We will miss you, Pix. Enjoy your spot in the flower bed at the end of the front porch, where you can keep on eye on everything.