I had lunch today with my big brother who can be a lot of fun when he is not acting like an ideological neanderthal. We were talking about the torrent of weird and wacky events of 2008 and how it just won't quit. The governor of Illinois comes along just when you think it's safe to come out of your cave. And all these Bush people are now stepping forward to confirm what we've thought all along about our hapless President. Life in the USA is like that carnival game Whack-a-mole. And we're the moles.
Did you read about the flood in Tennessee when the retaining wall around a coal ash sludge pit collapsed? Almost as fascinating as the mud volcano in Indonesia. Gee, could we have just a tiny bit more regulation from the folks in charge of mining? Could we put some folks in charge of mining?
Happily, here comes 2009 and a chance for us to straighten up and fly right. We can do better than this. Yes we can. Let's git-r-dun, y'all.